Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Ignition Health different to other gyms?
Ignition Health is a private gym, as opposed to a big gym. All of our Classes and Private Workouts are appointment only, and our Classes are nice and small (5-7 people). This means that you won’t get lost in the crowd, and you will be supported by your health and fitness coach as you exercise.
How do I book Classes or Private Workouts?
We use an app called PTminder. Once logged in, you can book classes, purchase packages and make payments. You can also use the PTminder website, and we can help you if you have any trouble. Alternatively you can click on the BOOK NOW tab.
What do I do if I need to cancel a Class or Private Workout?
You can use the app to cancel your Class or Private Workout/Session. It’s important that you do so as there is often a waiting list of people who missed out on the getting into the Class.
What do I need to bring to my workouts?
You need to wear comfortable clothes and closed sole shoes. You should also bring a water bottle and a towel.
Will I be too unfit for the Classes?
No not at all. Each exercise within each Class can be modified to suit your current fitness level. That’s the beauty of the small classes, you can still have your very own health and fitness coach to help you every step of the way.
I have previous injuries, will it be ok?
Because you will be in a small class (or a private workout) we can keep an eye on you, and we can change exercises if necessary. If your injury requires rehabilitation exercises, we can switch them in when needed.
Can I bring a friend along with me?
Yes you absolutely can. We can get them signed up right away and have them come and try a class. And if they sign up to one of our memberships you will get 1 week of Unlimited Classes Free.
Where should I park when I come to the gym?
We have a wee carpark and also lots of parking outside the gym.
What do I do if I am struggling with motivation?
You are in luck – helping people get motivated, and stay motivated is our specialty. Simply let us know and we can book in a ReFocus Session to go over your goals and get you back on track.
Can you help me with my nutrition?
Sure can. We can help you improve your eating habits by showing you how easy it can be to change they way we think about food. We use a Portion Method, meaning that there won't be any counting calories, weighing food, or having to eat foods you don't like.
Can I bring my child to the Class or Private Workout?
For Private Workouts absolutely. Some Classes are child friendly, so just let us know and we can help you find a Class that suits. Teenagers may be able to join you if there is space for them.
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